Name | Authors | Status | Link to demo or license | Description |
Chia | Fabrício Kury, Alex Butler, Chi Yuan, Li-heng Fu, Yingcheng Sun, Hao Liu, Ida Sim, Simona Carini & Chunhua WengFabrício Kury, Alex Butler, Chi Yuan, Li-heng Fu, Yingcheng Sun, Hao Liu, Ida Sim, Simona Carini, Chunhua Weng | Open-source | Source code | Chia, a novel, large annotated corpus of patient eligibility criteria extracted from 1,000 interventional, Phase IV clinical trials registered in This dataset includes 12,409 annotated eligibility criteria, represented by 41,487 distinctive entities of 15 entity types and 25,017 relationships of 12 relationship types. |
PICO Parser | Tian Kang, Chunhua Weng | Open-source | Source code | A scalable deep learning method to extract PICO statements from RCT articles. |
COVID-19 Trial Finder | Alex Butler, Yingcheng Sun, Fengyang Lin, Hao Liu, Cong Liu, Chi Yuan, Chunhua Weng | Open-source | Demo Source code |
A simplified method for patients, clinicians and healthy volunteers to search for appropriate COVID-related clinical trials in their general location. This system also allows potential candidates to pre-screen their eligibility for such trials through a set of short medical questions. Check out the news |
Criteria2Query | Yilu Fang, Yingcheng Sun, Hao Liu, Chi Yuan, Patrick Ryan, Yixuan Guo, Chunhua Weng | Open-source |
Demo Source code |
A system for transforming free-text eligibility criteria into structured database queries for identifying eligible patients from clinical databases. |
Doc2HPO | Cong Liu, Chunhua Weng | Open-source | Source code | |
COHD | Casey Ta, Nick Tatonetti, George Hripcsak, Chunhua Weng | Open-source |
URL API API source code |
Columbia Open Health Data (COHD). COHD provides public access to observational prevalence rates and co-occurrence frequencies of conditions, drugs, procedures, and demographics measured from electronic health records from 5M+ patients in the CUMC’s OHDSI database. |
SNOMEDTxT | Olga Lyudovyk, Chunhua Weng | Open-source |
Demo Source code |
It is built with SNOMED CT US Snapshot version. SNOMED CT files were downloaded and pre-processed before they could be used in this project. |
EliXR-CDM | Gal Fix, Anil Yaman, Chunhua Weng | Prototype | The winner of the 2015 AMIA Joint Summit for Clinical Research Informatics Design Challenge | |
EliIE | Tian Kang, Chunhua Weng | Prototype | A machine learning based parser for clinical research eligibility criteria | |
Valx | Tony Hao, Chunhua Weng | Prototype | Source code | A parser for numeric expressions in clinical trial summaries. |
VITTA | Zhe He, Riccardo Miotto, Tony Hao, Ida Sim, Simona Carini, Chunhua Weng | Prototype | A visualization system of aggregated patterns of clinical trial eligibility criteria | |
eTACTS | Riccardo Miotto, Chunhua Weng | Prototype; Open-source | Source code | Search engine for clinical trials allowing users to refine the results of an initial search through cloud of tags automatically extracted from the eligibility criteria. |
AQUA | Stephen Johnson, David Campbell, Eneida Mendonca, Robert Duffy, Chunhua Weng | License available | #2943 (freely available) | An dependency parser for biomedical text Patent Status: Software Copyright |
BBW Prediction | Handong Ma, Chunhua Weng | Linked clinical trials and drug adverse events data | Code | Link public data resources for predicting post-marketing drug safety label changes by analyzing the Convergent Focus Shift patterns among drug testing trials. |
Questionable Criteria | Handong Ma, Chunhua Weng | Questionable Criteria and Disease Facts | Code | A method for identifying questionable exclusion criteria for 38 mental disorders. |
Name | Authors | Status | Link to demo or license | Description |
CTKB | Hao Liu, Yuan Chi, Alex Butler, Yingcheng Sun , Chunhua Weng | Open-source | URL | Clinical Trial Knowledge Base, a regularly updated knowledge base of discrete clinical trial eligibility criteria equipped with a web-based user interface for querying and aggregate analysis of common eligibility criteria. |
Name | Authors | Status | Link to demo or license | Description |
IMPACT | Yat So, J Thomas Bigger, Linda Busacca, Carlos Lopez, Richard Steinman, Chunhua Weng | In use at CTSA of CUIMC | CU license | A research scheduling and resource allocation software. |
Last Updated: 06/2022