Lena Mamykina, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Biomedical Informatics Columbia University CONTACT 622 West 168th St. PH-20 New York, NY 10032 Phone: (212) 305-3923 om2196[at]cumc.columbia.edu |
Publications (by year): 2018 1.
Desai, P., Levine, M.,
Albers, D., Mamykina, L., Pictures Worth a Thousand Words: understanding elements of effective
health visualizations for low numeracy patients with type 2 diabetes, to
appear in the Proceedings of the ACM Conference
on Human-Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2018 2.
Nakikj, D., Mamykina, L., Lost in Migration: Information Management and Community Building in an
Online Health Community, to appear in the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human-Factors in Computing Systems,
CHI 2018 3. McKillop, M., Mamykina, L., Elhadad, N., Designing in the Dark: Eliciting
Self-tracking Dimensions for Understanding Enigmatic Disease, to appear in
the Proceedings of the ACM Conference
on Human-Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2018 4. Burgermaster, M., Contento, I., Koch,
P., Mamykina, L., Behavior Change Is Not One Size
Fits All: Psychosocial Phenotypes of Childhood Obesity Prevention
Intervention Participants, Translational
Behavioral Medicine 2017 5. Mamykina, L., Heitkemper, E.M., Smaldone, A.M., Kukafka, R.,
Cole-Lewis, H., Davidson, P.G., Mynatt, E.D.,
Tobin, J.N., Cassells, A., Goodman, C., Hripcsak, G., Personal Discovery in Diabetes
Self-Management: Discovering Cause and Effect Using Self-Monitoring Data, JBI, Vol.76, pp. 1-8, December 2017 6. Heitkemper, E.M., Mamykina, L.,
Tobin, J.N., Cassells, A., Smaldone,
A., Baseline Characteristics and Technology Training of Underserved Adults
with Type 2 Diabetes in the Mobile Diabetes Detective (MoDD)
Randomized Controlled Trial, The Diabetes
Educator, 2017, 43 (6), 576-588 7. Mamykina, L, Levine, M.E., Davidson, P.G., Smaldone, A., Elhadad, N.,
Albers, D., From Personal Informatics to Personal Analytics: Investigating
How Clinicians and Experts Reason about Personal Data Generated with
Self-Monitoring in Diabetes in Cognitive
Informatics in Health and Biomedicine, Springer (book chapter) 8. Albers, DJ, Levine, ME, Gluckman,
BJ, Ginsberg, H, Hripcsak, G, Mamykina,
L, Personalized Glucose Forecasting for Type 2 Diabetics Using Data
Assimilation, PLoS Comp Bio, 13(4). 9. Heitkemper, E., Mamykina, L.,
Travers, J., Smaldone, A. Do Health Information Technology
Self-Management Interventions Improve Glycemic Control in Medically
Underserved Adults with Diabetes? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am Med Inform Assoc
(PubMed link) 10. Mamykina, L., Carter, E., Sheehan, B., Hum, R.S., Twohig, B.C., Kaufman, D.R., Driven to Distraction: the
Nature and Apparent Purpose of Interruptions in Critical Care and
Implications for HIT, JBI (PubMed link) 11. Jiang, S., Murphy, A., Heitkemper,
E.M., Hum, R.S., Kaufman, D., Mamykina, L., Impact
of an electronic handoff documentation tool on shared mental models within
patient care teams, Journal of
Biomedical Informatics (PubMed link) 12. Hwang, M., Mamykina, L.,
Monster Appetite: Effects of Subversive Framing on Nutritional Choices in a
Digital Game Environment, in the Proceedings
of the ACM Conference on Human-Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2017 (pdf) 13. Burgermaster, M., Gajos, K., Mamykina, L. The Role of Explanations in Casual
Observational Learning about Nutrition, in the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human-Factors in Computing
Systems, CHI 2017 (pdf) 14.
Nakikj, D., Mamykina, L., A Park or A Highway:
Overcoming Tensions in Designing for Socio-emotional and Informational Needs
in Online Health Communities, to be included in the proceedings of the ACM
conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW 2017 (pdf) 2016 15. Cole-Lewis, H., Smaldone,
A.M., Kukafka, R., Davidson, P.G., Mynatt, E.D., Tobin, J.N., Cassells,
A., Goodman, C., Hripcsak, G., Mamykina,
L., Participatory approach to the development of a knowledge base for
problem-solving in diabetes self-management, International Journal of Medical Informatics (IJMI). 2016 Jan;85(1):96-103 16.
Mamykina, L., Smyth, T., Dimond, J., Gajos, K., Learning
From the Crowd: Observational Learning in Crowdsourcing Communities, to be
included in the Proceedings of
the ACM Conference on Human-Factors
in Computing Systems, CHI 2016. 17. Mamykina, L., Vawdrey, D., Hripcsak, D., ResidentsÕ work and Electronic Health
Record: re-envisioning patient care in digital age, Academic Medicine, 2015 (in print) 18. Mamykina, L., Heitkemper, E.M., Smaldone, A.M., Kukafka, R., Cole-Lewis,
H., Davidson, P.G., Mynatt, E.D., Tobin, J.N., Cassells, A., Goodman, C., Hripcsak,
G., Structured Scaffolding for Reflection and Problem-Solving in Diabetes
Self-Management: Qualitative Study of Mobile Diabetes Detective, J Am Med Inform Assoc 2016 Jan;23(1):129-36 19.
Mamykina, L., Levine, M.,
Davidson, P., Smaldone, A., Elhadad,
N., Albers, D., Reasoning about Personally Generated Nutritional Data in
Diabetes with Information Technologies, J Am Med Inform Assoc, 23 (3), 526-531, 2016 20.
Mamykina, L., Jiang, S., Collins,
S.A., Twohig, B., Hirsh, J., Hripcsak,
G., Hum, R.S., David Kaufman, D.R., Revealing Structures in Narratives: a
Mixed-Methods Approach to Studying Interdisciplinary Handoff in Critical
Care, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2016 Aug;62:117-24 21.
M Burgermaster, KZ Gajos,
L Mamykina, Explanations Improve Nutrition Learning
Among Lab in the Wild Quiz-Takers, Journal of Nutrition Education and
Behavior 48 (7), S52-S53 22.
ME Levine, L Mamykina, Bridging a Gap Between
Data Science Research and Health DIY Movement, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2016, Workshop on DYI in Health, Position
Paper, 23.
Nakikj, D., Mamykina,
L., Visualizing Discussion Threads in Online Health Communities with DisViz: Evaluation and User Feedback, AMIA 2016 2015 24.
Mamykina, L., Smaldone, A., Bakken
S., Adopting Sensemaking Framework for Chronic
Disease Self-Management, J Biomed
Inform. 2015 Aug;56:406-17 25.
Jiang, S., Hum, R.S., Vawdrey, D., Mamykina, L., An Audit Log Analysis of Handoff Documentation
Views and Updates, in Proceedings of
AMIA 2015 26. Mamykina, L., Nakikj, D., Elhadad, N., Collective Sensemaking
in Online Health Forums, In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '15). ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 3217-3226. 27.
Clawson, J., Pater J.,
Miller A., Mynatt, E.D., Mamykina,
L., No longer wearing: investigating
the abandonment of personal health-tracking technologies on craigslist.
In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp
'15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 647-658. 2014 28.
Mamykina, L., Hum, RS Kaufman, DR,
Investigating shared mental models in critical care, in Cognitive informatics in health and biomedicine, editors Patel
V., Kaufman, D.R., and Cohen, T., p.p. 291-315, Springer, 2014 29.
Kaufman, DR Abraham, J Mamykina, L.,
Communication and Complexity: Negotiating Transitions in Critical Care, in Cognitive Informatics in Health and
Biomedicine, editors Patel V., Kaufman, D.R., and Cohen, T., pp. 235-242,
Springer, 2014 30.
Collins, SA Mamykina, L Jordan, DA Kaufman,
DR Clinical Artifacts as a Treasure Map to Navigate Handoff Complexity, in Cognitive Informatics in Health and
Biomedicine, editors Patel V., Kaufman, D.R., and Cohen, T. pp. 317-339,
Springer, 2014 31.
Carlo, L., Bakken, S., Mamykina,
L., Kodie, R., Kanter, AS
Towards a Tool for Malaria Supply Chain Management Improvement in Rural
Ghana, Studies in health technology and
informatics 216, 1006-1006, 2014 32.
Jiang, SY Murphy, A Vawdrey, D Hum, RS Mamykina, L., 2014 Characterization of a Handoff
Documentation Tool Through Usage Log Data, in AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2014, 749 2013 33. Cusack CM, Hripcsak G, Bloomrosen M, Rosenbloom ST,
Weaver CA, Wright A, Vawdrey DK, Walker J, Mamykina L. 2013 The future state of clinical data
capture and documentation: a report from AMIA's 2011 Policy Meeting, J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Jan 1;20(1):134-40 2012 34. Mamykina, L., Hripcsak, G., Vawdrey, D., Stetson, P., 2012 Clinical Documentation: Composition or
Synthesis? J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2012; 19:1025-1031 35. Collins SA, Mamykina L,
Jordan D, Stein DM, Shine A, Reyfman P, Kaufman D.,
2012 In search of common ground in handoff documentation in an Intensive Care
Unit, J Biomed Inform. 2012 Apr;45(2):307-15 2011 36. Vawdrey DK, Wilcox LG, Collins S, Feiner
S, Mamykina O, Stein DM, Bakken
S, Fred MR, Stetson PD. 2011 Awareness of the Care Team in Electronic Health
Records, Appl Clin
Inform. 2011;2(4):395-405. 37. Mamykina, L., Hartman, B., Hripcsak,
G., 2011 Design Lessons from the Fastest Q&A in the West, in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2011. 38. Mamykina, L., Miller, A., Medynsky,
E., Grovet, C., Terry, M.A., Davidson, P., Mynatt, E.D., 2011 Examining the Impact of Social Tagging
on Sensemaking in Nutrition Management, in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2011. 2010 39. Mamykina L., Miller, A., and Mynatt,
E.D., 2010 Constructing Identities through Storytelling in Diabetes
Management, in the Proceeding of the Twenty-Seventh Annual SIGCHI Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Atlanta, GA, April 12-16). CHI '10. 40. Mamykina, L., Mynatt, E.D., 2010
An Iterative Discovery Approach in Designing Ubicomp
Technologies that Assist Individuals in Managing Diabetes, in Barbara M.
Hayes and William Aspray, eds. Health Informatics:
A Patient-Centered Approach to Diabetes Cambridge, MA and London,
England: MIT Press, 2010. 41. Mynatt, E.D., Abowd, G.D., Mamykina, L., Keintz, J.A.,
2010 Understanding the Potential of Ubiquitous Computing for Chronic Disease
Management, in Barbara M. Hayes and William Aspray,
eds. Health Informatics: A Patient-Centered Approach to Diabetes Cambridge,
MA and London, England: MIT
Press, 2010. 42. Mamykina, L., Mynatt, E.D., 2010
Interpreting Health and Wellness Information in RFID & Smart Technologies
for Information Convergence (Symonds, J., editor), IGI Global Publications. Earlier publications: 43. Mamykina, L., Mynatt, E.D., 2009.
Two Approaches to Interpreting Health and Wellness Information, in
International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (JAPUC),
2009. 44. Mamykina, L., Mynatt, E.,
Davidson, P., and Greenblatt, D. 2008. MAHI: investigation of social scaffolding
for reflective thinking in diabetes management. In Proceeding of the
Twenty-Sixth Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(Florence, Italy, April 05 - 10, 2008). CHI '08. ACM, New York, NY, 477-486. 45. Lin, J.J., Mamykina, L., Lindtner, S., Delajoux, G., and
Strub, H.B. 2006 FisÕNÕSteps:
Encouraging Physical Activity with an Interactive Computer Game, in
Proceedings of Ubicomp 2006, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume 4206/2006, pp.
261-278. 46. Mamykina, L., Mynatt, E. D., and
Kaufman, D. R. 2006. Investigating health management practices of individuals
with diabetes. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems (Montrˇal, Quˇbec, Canada, April 22 - 27, 2006). R. Grinter, T. Rodden, P. Aoki, E.
Cutrell, R. Jeffries, and G. Olson, Eds. CHI '06.
ACM, New York, NY, 927-936. (Best Paper Nomination: top 5%) 47. Mamykina, L., Candy, L., and Edmonds, E. 2002. Collaborative
creativity. In Communications of ACM (CACM) 45, 10 (Oct. 2002), 96-99. 48. Mamykina, L., Mynatt, E., and
Terry, M. A. 2001. Time Aura: interfaces for pacing. In Proceedings of the
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Seattle, Washington,
United States). CHI '01. ACM, New York, NY, 144-151. 49. Mamykina, L. and Wolf, C. G. 2000. Evolution of Contact
Point: a case study of a help desk and its users. In Proceedings of the 2000
ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States). CSCW '00. ACM, New York, NY, 41-48. |