What are Infobuttons?
Infobuttons are links in WebCIS
that look like this:
They are scattered throughout WebCIS in places like lab results, culture
results, antibiotic sensitivities, in patient medications and
outpatient medications (see screen shot, below):
When you click on an Infobutton, you will get a list of commonly asked questions, like this:
Clicking on a question will bring you to a Web-based resource that can help answer the question. For example, clicking on "What is the dosing and administration information from Micromedex?" in the above screen will open a new window that looks like this:
We hope that Infobuttons will help you. Let us know by e-mailing Jim Cimino at
Special note: to get to infobuttons for antibiotic sensitivities, click
on the symbole for the antibiotic, as shown below.
This will open a window like this to get the infobuttons:
Selecting an infobutton will produce a question list like this: